Technology FAQs
Is the DILE helpdesk still available?
DILE (Digital Learning Environment) has been a long standing initiative at PGSD. Beginning with the 23-24 school year, we are stream-lining DILE now that teachers and students can submit tech support tickets themselves. The DILE email address will route parents to this webpage and provide information on how students and staff may submit tech support tickets.
How do students find tech support?
The technicians are located in each building. Tech support for Ringing Rocks Elementary and West Pottsgrove Elementary may be reached by having your student's teacher submit a ticket or contact tech support directly. Tech support at Lower Pottsgrove School is located in the first hallway. Tech support at the Middle School is located in the library, next to the circulation desk. Tech support at the High School is located in the room formerly used as the school store. All tech support is accessible by staff via our ticket system.
Can students submit their own tickets?
Students in grades 6-12 will now have the opportunity to submit tickets for themselves. Students in grades K-5 can have tickets submitted by their teachers.
For those students now using a Chromebook, I invite everyone to review the Chromebook Handbook (above) for all of the information concerning care, insurance and support of the Chromebooks.
For our HS students using the Macbooks, a similar handbook is available.
Information regarding the tech fee is spelled out in the handbook. Or you can follow the link here:
Chromebook handbook (*see section on Insurance/fees)
How do students receive their device if they enroll mid-year?
Students in the Middle School and High School will receive their device within 48-hours of arriving in the school. Once the enrollment process is complete, the Tech department will prepare the device and have it available at the Tech office. Students at the elementary buildings will receive their device in their homeroom from their teacher.
How do students login to their Chromebook?
Students that have been issued a Chromebook may use their Google email account and password to login (ex: [username]
Do students have email, and if so how do they login to view their mailbox?
Students in grades 6-8 may only send emails to, and receive messages from email addresses listed on the allow-list, as well as any email message to/from a or account. Parents' emails are considered an external email account; therefore your grade 6-8 student will not receive your email message. Students in grades 9-12 may send/receive email outside the district domains for educational purposes and purposes of contacting higher-education institutes.
Students may login to their email, using their Google email address and password.
For more information about email, click here:
How do students login to Powerschool?
Login link:
The students' default account username is their Student ID number, and the default password is set to their date of birth (no leading zeros).
example: if the student's DOB is January 1, 2002 then the password would be '112002'
Can I view my student's accounts and passwords?
Yes. Login to Powerschool, choose the option for the VAULT, then Student Access Info. There will be a document placed here listing your child's credentials for Powerschool, Schoology, Google and the Classlink network.
How can a students request a password reset?
Students should report this request to a teacher, the main office or guidance counselor who can submit the request to tech support for the password reset.
How do parents get a Powerschool account?
Once the student has been enrolled, a letter will be sent to the parent inviting them to create their Powerschool account. A student must be enrolled in Pottsgrove SD in order for a parent account to be active.