Attendance & Excuse Notes
Pottsgrove School District accepts electronic excuse notes.
To excuse your student via email, please send a note along with:
- The date
- Student’s first and last name
- Grade
- Reason of absence to your student’s school within 3 school days of the absence
NOTE: Emails sent to teachers' email addresses will not be accepted as an excuse.
Pottsgrove Excuse Note Email Addresses:
High School:
Middle School:
We would like to remind you of the importance of good attendance for all students. Our goal every year is to make sure that every student attends school regularly and can get the most out of their learning opportunities.
It is important that you understand our school attendance policy and procedures, as well as Pennsylvania State Law, to make sure that your student is successful in school. The Compulsory Attendance Law in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania requires that an absence excuse, signed by the parent or guardian, be on file for every day of the student’s absence.
If your student has accrued three (3) unexcused absences, you will receive a letter (First Legal Notice). Upon receipt of this letter, it is recommended that you connect with your building secretary to review any unexcused dates.
Should your student continue to accrue unexcused absences, you may be notified at six (6) absences (Second Legal Notice). At this time, you will be asked to participate in a Student Attendance Improvement Conference (SAIC) to address any barriers to regular attendance. If this meeting is not held and further unexcused absences continue, your student may be referred for truancy support.
You may also receive a notification once your student has accumulated at least ten (10) absences in a school year (Ten Day Absent Notification). Please note, this is a cumulative accounting of all days out of school. It will encompass excused days, educational trip days, and unexcused absences. In the event that we do not hear from you after you receive the Ten Day Absent Notification, further absences will require a doctor’s note. At that point, any additional absences without a doctor’s note will be deemed unlawful.
If you were sent any of the letters referenced above and believe that you have received this notification in error, it is crucial that you reach out immediately to the attendance secretary in your student’s building. The attendance team can review any documentation that you have with the goal of resolving any discrepancies, errors, or confusion. We realize some absences are unavoidable due to health problems or other circumstances. We wish to work with you to understand any barriers that your student may be facing in regard to regular attendance. If you have any further questions regarding student attendance, please reference the Attendance FAQ sheet below or contact your child's building directly.